Home Remodel Project Professionals

7 Home Remodel Projects You Should Leave to the Professionals

Home remodel projects are rarely as easy as they seem. Binge watching your favorite home renovation show can fill you with a false sense of your own ability. The truth is many homeowners in and around the Quad Cities take on certain home remodel projects only to call on the professionals to complete the job.

Beyond painting and basic home maintenance very few home remodel projects are DIY. No matter how many home remodeling tv shows or YouTube videos you watch you’ll never be a match for the professionals. The people who do such things for a living understand the ins and outs of permits and building codes for your area. And for those homeowners who expect to save a few bucks? A DIY home remodel can end up costing you much more in the long run.

7 Home Remodel Projects Better Left to the Pros

In an effort to save you money, time, headaches and heartache, we’ve put together a list of the home remodel projects you should always leave to the professionals.


Many homeowners trust themselves to unclog a drain or toilet, repair leaky pipes and even replace hardware in sinks, showers and bathtubs. However, major plumbing repairs and renovations are way out of the average Joe’s wheelhouse. If you’re replacing a bathtub, installing a new shower or any other bathroom renovation that require accessing pipes, call a plumber.

Door and Window Replacement

There’s no doubt that replacing your old doors and windows with the latest energy efficient models will save you money almost immediately. Unfortunately, in order for homeowners to realize the savings doors and windows must be installed properly. It’s necessary to maintain an airtight seal in order to preserve efficiency. Additionally, exterior doors and energy-saving windows are a big investment. Anyone who isn’t a licensed professional should not be handling such a critical home remodel installation.

Home Remodel Projects Electrical Work

Every year well-intentioned homeowners end up in the hospital or worse because they attempt to do electrical work they have no business doing. In addition to electrocution one misstep in electrical work can cause a house fire. Moreover, almost all home remodel electrical work requires a permit. Failure to obtain the proper permit could negate your home insurance if there is a fire, or end up costing you in even more devastating ways. Don’t put yourself or your family risk. Always, always, always hire a professional to perform electrical work in your home.

Asbestos Removal

By now you’re familiar with the asbestos issues in many older homes. Asbestos was used extensively from the 1940s through the 1970s for its fire-retardant capabilities, and it’s excellent insulation properties. However, it was discovered that asbestos is a carcinogen and the main cause of the deadly lung cancer mesothelioma. If you suspect you have asbestos in your home, you need to get it out of there. This is most definitely not suited to DIY and it’s of the utmost importance that you schedule an inspection. If your home tests positive for asbestos, contact a professional asbestos abatement company, pronto.


Sure, replacing a few shingles seems easy enough, but only for the sure-footed who take necessary precautions. Anything beyond a missing shingle or two should absolutely be turned over to a professional roofing company. Not only for your personal safety but for the safety of your home. The pros know how to spot leaks and how to prevent them. A leaking roof leads to much more than just water damage. Mold, decay and even electrical hazards arise from leaks in your roof.

Major Landscape Overhaul and Tree Removal

Any landscaping that involves digging in your yard or around your foundation is best left to the pros. Underground utilities such as gas lines could be compromised. Damage to your foundation could also result from a DIY landscape attempt. Also, a landscape professional understands what you need to do in order to create a clean, neat and functional aesthetic that improves your curb appeal. Go with a pro when you take on a major landscape home remodel project. This caveat also applies to tree trimming or removal. Don’t risk it!

Deck and Patio

Many municipalities require permits for both decks (structural) and patios. A deck project, when attempted haphazardly, may cause damage to your home or injury to your friends and family. A collapsed deck really puts a damper on that family barbecue. For the deck of your dreams, it’s sensible to contact a professional who specializes in decks and patios.

Other Home Remodel Projects

There are many other home remodel projects that require an expert in the field. Anytime you need structural work done inside your home it’s best to contract with someone who knows what they are doing. Other things like flooring, garage door repair and installing gas appliances should always be handled by those professionals in the field. You will spare yourself injury and just the hassle and headaches that come from home remodel projects gone awry.

When in Doubt Ask an Expert

If you’re still not sure that your home remodel projects require a professional talk to the experts at Seiffert Building Supplies. Our project support team, along with our design team, understand and are here to help. Ensure the success of your home remodel projects by leaving it to the professionals.