20 Feb How to Set Up a Work Shed
A well-organized work shed is something every homeowner should enjoy. Whether you’re a handyman-extraordinaire, or still trying to figure out a drill bit from a screwdriver, having a place for all of your tools, yard equipment, and various other implements possible. In fact if you set up a work shed the right way you’ll be organized and ready for any project that comes your way.
A Work Shed That Works for You
The key to getting the most out of your work shed is making sure your space is well-organized. No one wants to trudge through rakes, hoses, and assorted gizmos in order to get to the right wrench to fix a leaky faucet. Sheds can easily turn into a catch-all for anything from basketballs to birdseed and quickly turn into a disorganized mess.
Avoid work shed messes by keeping to a few simple rules. When you set up your shed put some thought into your organization and you’ll have no trouble finding the right tool for the job. Here is a helpful list of ideas designed to make your shed a well-organized starting point for any and all homeowner projects.
Empty Out Your Work Shed
This task may sound overwhelming, and, well very uninviting, but you need to begin by emptying your shed. Sort through the contents and toss anything that’s outlived its purpose. Do you still have little league sports equipment for your 20 year old college kid? Donate it! Are there broken items that you can’t, or don’t have time to, repair? Throw them away or recycle them. Once you’re left with only those items you need, or want, move onto the work shed itself.
Thoroughly clean the inside of your shed, making sure to shore up any holes that let in pests and vermin. Be sure to clear away any mold or mildew with with a good, thorough cleaning. Remove wasp or other insect nests, caulk around any areas where moisture can enter and rust your tools. Allow to air out completely.
Add Any Organizational Storage for Tools and Hardware
Next, look at the perimeter of the shed and determine the best wall to place your tools. Affixing a pegboard to that wall will help keep the more commonly used tools within easy reach. Attach hooks to your pegboard and place the tools you use the most (hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, hatchets, and the like) on those hooks. You may also place handheld garden tools in this arrangement.
If space allows, its a good idea to place a potters bench beneath your tools for an easy workspace. If you’re up to the job, you can build your own potters bench relatively inexpensively. Seiffert Building Supplies has all you need.
Do you have electricity in your work shed? You may want to price out how much it would cost to install some outlets and an overhead light. Unless you’re experienced, we don’t recommend tackling an electrical project on your own.
Just as you want your tools handy, so too should you organize your nails, screws, and other common hardware in an easy to identify manner. Small glass jars, labeled with the correct sizes of screws and nails, washers and nuts, make it easy to find what you need. For those with a small work shed you may eat to affix your pegboard, and hardware storage, to your shed door.
Power tools such as a drill, chain saw, and other items typically come with a storage case. Keep all of the attachments as well as the power tool itself together. Store these items within easy reach.
Seasonal Toys and Equipment
Long-handled items such as shovels, rakes, hoes, and edgers are easy to store when you create a specific space to prop them up. Fasten a wooden a pallet to the wall, or craft your own corral for these items with wood, to prevent them from falling forward. Shovels, res, etc. can then be inserted into the opening and propped against the wood.
Another way to store these long-handled yard care items is by affixing a 6 inch portion of PVC pipe to the wall and sliding the handle through the pipe. You can consider a gear track along the wall much like hardware stores use to display the items. You can make your own by securing a strip of sturdy wood to the wall, and installing brackets to hold your seasonal equipment. Be sure to arrange your seasonal tools separately so you know exactly where to go when the snow piles up, or the garden needs tended.
Bikes, Balls, and Outdoor Games
For those families who have plenty of outdoor gear a work shed provides a great place to store seasonal fun items. If space allows, designate an are of your shed for storage of these items. Keep them separated by season, and make them easily accessible for your family. When winter hits you may want to store bicycles, scooters, and other riding toys long term where they won’t crowd your work shed. If no other area of your home is available, there are storage racks that you can affix to the ceiling of your work shed to hang bikes and scooters for the winter.
A Word About Hazardous Materials
Storing hazardous materials, such as lawn chemicals, pest control, and gasoline, in your work shed isn’t a good idea. Instead, invest in a storage bin that’s weather proof and keep any hazardous chemicals there to prevent any mishaps.
When you set up a work shed in an organized manner you’ll never need to scramble around searching for just the right tool, or equipment, for the job. As the saying goes, “a place for everything and everything in it’s place”!