25 Oct How to Design the Perfect Pantry
Whether you know your way around the kitchen like a world class chef or you do your best to scramble something up for dinner after a busy day your pantry is the nerve center of your kitchen. You keep all of your dry goods and ingredients, canned goods, snacks and treats in your pantry. If there’s adequate room you can even store other kitchen essentials out of the way when you design the perfect pantry.
In order to design the perfect pantry it’s necessary to keep a few things in mind. After all we all enjoy a kitchen that’s clutter free and organized. When what you need is close at hand and everything is in the right place it’s easy to prepare a gourmet feast or a quick dinner for the family. Here are our tips so you can design the perfect pantry for your Quad Cities home.
Begin With Easy Accessibility
Your pantry is where you keep all the food items you have that don’t require refrigeration. By storing everything in one convenient place you maximize your kitchen organization and keep countertop clutter to a minimum.
Think about those things you don’t like in your current situation. Do some of your pantry items get pushed to the back where you cant see them? Do you end up discovering them after they expire or you’ve purchased identical items? That’s a huge frustration for many people.
In order to avoid a disorganized pantry design the perfect pantry to include pull out shelving or shelves that are wider than they are deep. Make sure it’s well-lit so you can see exactly what’s in there and, if you have the space, a walk-in pantry is an excellent addition to your home.
Speaking of A Walk-In Pantry
In many older homes the pantry took up a good bit of space. It held the family’s necessities and a bounty of items that could be kept over the winter months. In some stately homes the pantry was essentially a separate room used to store pantry foods as well as special cookware and non-everyday items such as holiday dishes or extra glassware. Sometimes this room is referred to as a “butler’s pantry”.
Today’s walk-in pantries can be as large as you desire. If you want an entire room dedicated to your dry goods, canned goods, etc., along with storage for bulky kitchen equipment and special use items then a walk-in pantry is for you. Even if you don’t do a lot of cooking a walk-in pantry eliminates clutter and adds a lot of resale value to your home. Design the perfect pantry for now and the future when you opt for a walk-in pantry.
Do You Have Space You Aren’t Using?
Sometimes in order to design the perfect pantry you need to think outside the “box”. Look around your kitchen and determine if there are any underutilized areas. Maybe at the end of your kitchen cabinets or on the other side of a non-load bearing wall. Speak with the professional design team at Seiffert Building Supplies and let’s get creative. Even small spaces can be used to incorporate pull-out pantries and basic pantry storage.
Get Specific When You Design The Perfect Pantry
One trend changing the way homeowners in the Quad Cities use their pantries is the act of embracing organization. By creating a designated space for your assorted pantry items you design the perfect pantry for both form and function.
For instance, you can have a shelf area designed to hold bins for all of your grains and baking ingredients such as flour, cornmeal, sourdough starter, etc. Place baskets below that serve to keep onions, potatoes, winter squash and those items that don’t need refrigeration. A specific area for canned goods, oils, vinegars and salad dressings is great too. When you design the perfect pantry it can enhance the beauty and function of your kitchen, but remember it’s all about organization.
Design The Perfect Pantry That Reflects You
Ultimately your pantry is there for your convenience. But in order to design the perfect pantry you need to make it all about you. Tradition dictates pantries as functional and removed from the kitchens aesthetic. Change that by. Incorporating all of your personal style in a way that works for you. Incorporate technology by installing a smart pantry inventory tracker app that works with your smartphone. Some systems even keep track of expiration dates. Use lighting sensors so you can better see what you have on your shelves.
And by all means don’t design the perfect pantry to be simply utilitarian. Paint eh interior to match your kitchen. Use solid shelving if you prefer. Install a glass door. You’re really only limited by your imagination.
Let’s Get Started
For more on how to design the perfect pantry contact Seiffert Building Supplies today. Speak with our design team and let’s get started.