Whole Home Window Replacement

6 Reasons to Consider Whole-Home Window Replacement

There are a lot of reasons to consider whole-home window replacement. Homeowners in the Quad Cities area know their windows take a beating. Driving rains, baking summer sun, frigid winter conditions-your windows have seen it all. If your windows are over 15 years old it is absolutely time to replace them. Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons you should consider whole-home window replacement.

One of the main reasons homeowners consider whole-home window replacement is because the windows are showing their age. If your windows are at the end of their lifespan you probably find them difficult to open and maybe the inner seal is broken and they are a bit foggy. But there’s so much more you can’t see that happens when your windows age out. And trust us, if it’s going on with one window it’s likely an issue with all of your windows. 

6 Reasons to Consider Replacement Windows for Your Whole House

When you replace your windows throughout your entire house the benefits are amazing. You’ll wonder why you didn’t make the investment in whole-house window replacement sooner.

1. Energy Efficiency

The first thing most homeowners realize with whole-home window replacement? Reduced utility costs. This is one of the biggest reasons homeowners replace their windows. On average homeowners who opt for whole-home window replacement see a 12% reduction in energy costs. And many see even more savings. 

Your windows are responsible for 25%-30% of your heating and cooling expenses. Poorly functioning windows don’t just make you uncomfortable but they strain your HVAC system. If your home feels drafty, you see condensation on the inside of your windows or there’s noticeable degradation to your window frames it’s past time to replace those windows. Look for windows with the Energy Star label to ensure your savings are the maximum you can get.

2. Negate the Noise

You may not even realize how much the outside noise has crept in. Sometimes to the extent you look to see if there is a window that’s open. As your windows age and stop functioning as they should there is a marked increase in outside noises you’re able to hear. The newfound noise reduction with whole-house window replacement is nothing short of amazing. When the volume is turned down outside your home you and your family feel more relaxed.

3. Whole-Home Window Replacement Adds So Much Curb Appeal

You may not notice how tired your home looks due to your old windows but others will. They might have that tell-tale cloudiness that comes with age or they might not appear as secure and flush as new windows do. Maybe they’re simply outdated. In any event you can be sure your windows more than likely show their age and take away from your home’s curb appeal. Whether you’re planning to sell in the near future or stay put you owe it to yourself and your home to consider whole-home window replacement.

4. Increased Home Value

Speaking of selling your home the resale value that comes with whole-home window replacement puts your home in a wonderful spotlight. Today’s home buyers are a savvy lot and very much aware. They understand the immense value of new windows. 

All the benefits of whole-home window replacement for you extend to your potential buyers. Things like energy efficiency, more relaxed home environment and the appearance of your home score big with those in the market for a new home. The return on your investment is high when you consider new windows up your asking price.

5. Safety and Security

Whole-home window replacement does a lot to promote security. Older windows are less stable and easier for ill-intended people to manipulate. When you replace your windows with newer, better fitting ones you up your home’s security and provide peace of mind. If it’s been awhile since you’ve replaced your doors you may also consider that as well.

6. Comfortability

All of these things add up to  making a more comfortable home for you and your family. Better insulated windows make the temperature inside much more pleasant. The noise reduction means you and your family can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and even the sense of security and safety promotes comfort.

Find Out More About Whole-Home Window Replacement

For more on how whole-house window replacement can benefit you reach out to Seiffert Building Supplies. We have the professional experience our Quad Cities neighbors need. For windows, doors and all your home renovation projects please contact Seiffert Building Supplies.