Replacing Home Windows

When’s the Best Time of Year to Replace Your Home’s Windows?

Experts agree you should replace your home’s windows after about 15-20 years. Fluctuations in weather, indoor/outdoor temperatures and normal wear and tear take a toll on your windows. That degradation takes a toll on your home’s energy efficiency. When you put off replacement windows you also risk water seepage into the window frame and your homes structure. This can result in wood rot and mold. Very costly repairs indeed.

New windows mean lower energy costs, improved outside noise reduction and enticing curb appeal. Replacing your windows gives you a fantastic return on investment and is a great selling point when you put your home on the market. 

Home Window Replacement

No doubt you understand the importance of window replacement but you probably wonder when’s the best time of year to replace your home’s windows. After all, timing is very important. The weather and the seasons dictate the best time for installation. After all you don’t want the heat and humidity of peak summer in the Quad Cities to infiltrate your home, not do you want the colder weather causing your family to wear their mittens to the dinner table. Here we offer a look at the best time of year to replace your home’s windows.

Points to Consider When You Replace Your Home’s Windows in The Spring

Timing your window replacement renovation for that ideal sweet spot when the weather is warm but not hot and humid can help keep your home comfortable for the duration of the project. That’’s why spring is such a popular time for window replacement. But, if you replace your home’s windows in the spring you might find the waiting time and project timeline a little too long. With the additional risk of the rainy season spring has its drawbacks. You’ll need to weigh the weather risks and wait time against the comfort factor. 

One way to make sure spring installation works for you is by purchasing your replacement windows so that they are awaiting installation and ready to go as soon as the weather hits the sweet spot.

Summer Window Replacement

When you replace your home’s windows in the summer the weather is nicer, rain may not be as big a risk. And your timeline for installation may be swifter than at other times. Although a summer window installation may cause you to lose some your home’s energy efficiency with a shorter installation time that may not be a huge impediment. Availability could be an issue with summer installation as the spring is a busy time of year to replace your home’s windows so the stock may be diminished.

Replacing Your Windows in The Fall

Fall can be a great time to replace your windows. Like spring there is a sweet spot when its just warm enough to be comfortable but not too warm. The cooler fall temperatures can be a bit difficult to pin down in our area of the country. But materials and supplies are usually readily available. Installation is easier to schedule in the fall. That’s because most contractors do their biggest window installation business in the spring and summer months. When you replace your home’s windows in the fall your home is well-sealed and protected from winter’s chill.

Winter Window Replacement

Don’t rule out winter window replacement. For obvious reasons winter isn’t the best time to remove your old windows no matter how bad they are. But consider heat loss and your family’s discomfort can be kept to a minimum when your contractor replaces them one at a time. You can seal off the room where the replacement windows are being installed.

Also a winter window replacement means contractors are more readily available. Also, they may charge less than they would in busier times. Materials may cost less during the winter months too. Of course there may be weather delays due to snow and ice so be prepared for that.

Talk to Our Window Experts

Seiffert Building Supplies knows our Quad Cities neighbors take pride in their homes. Don’t neglect making the decision to replace your home’s windows. Delaying new replacement windows can result in serious damage to your home. If your windows are more than 15-20 years old, have condensation between the glass, are difficult to open and close or you notice a definite draft please contact Seiffert Building Supplies and talk to our window experts today.